As leaves drop from the trees and birds fly south we humans are called to let go of the warmth, ease and light of summer and to embrace the turning of the cycle bringing us forward through the darkest and coldest day of the year, back out into the brightness of the following spring.....
Our greatest tool to practice letting go---of tension, stress, resistance, and any stagnant energy in our systems---is our breath. And in this special weekend we will focus on strengthening the lungs and our immune systems by learning breath-related practices grounded in the acupuncture and yoga traditions.
On Saturday, 10/29 from 1-4pm Mark Montgomery will present a workshop on "Healing With Qi," using "breath cultivation" practices from the Qigong tradition designed to strengthen the lungs, the constitution and the immune system.
For more information on "Healing with Qi" or to register call 542-322-9642 or click HERE.
On Sunday, 10/30 from 1-4pm Sabra Lopez will offer a workshop on "Pranayama," the practice of controlling or regulating the breath or lifeforce energy (prana) in order to increase lung capacity, vitality, and overall wellbeing. The workshop will include a variety of practices used for breathing in poses, cleansing, energizing, calming, and meditation.
It will include kapalbhati, brahmeri, nadi shodhana, and 3 part yogic breath, as well as information about using breath during physical postures.
For more information on "Healing Through Pranayama" or to register click HERE.
The cost of each workshop is $45; both workshops can be taken for $60.
Some benefits of both Pranayama and Qigong are:
- Improved focus and attention
- A calmer mind, with reduced worries and anxieties
- A stronger immune system
- Increased energy, bringing enthusiasm and positivity
- Rejuvenated body and mind
These are wonderful practices to learn as Autumn moves into Winter...