We offer a workshop at BCH on the third Saturday afternoon of each month on the topic of "Energy Literacy," a view of the world and of ourselves that focuses on learning to perceive energy in ourselves and the world around us.
We can view illness, pain and conflict as problems. Or we can view them as “the oil light on the dashboard” that tells us that something is out of balance and needs tending.The more we understand and are attuned to the energies of our bodies, hearts and minds, the earlier we can recognize imbalances and act to correct them. When we learn to do this it empowers us to live more and more harmonious lives, regardless of what’s happening outside of us.
This workshop has two goals:
1) To understand---concretely and practically---how energy works and moves in human beings, and
2) To practice the skills of perceiving, nourishing and tending to our own and other people’s energies.
We'll spend time in discussion, practice, laughter, and community-building.
Participants in these workshops are welcome to join the bi-monthly men's and women's practice groups that meet at BCH to practice these tools in community.
For questions, call us at 541-322-9642 or email us at [email protected].
To register, click here.
The workshop is experiential with no previous experience required.
Please note that cost of the workshop is on a sliding scale of $30 - $60. Unfortunately our online software doesn't allow a sliding scale for payment so the cost if you sign up online is listed as $45.
If you'd like to pay lower or higher on the sliding scale please call us or pay the day of the workshop.